Saturday, 30 January 2010

Being behind = big behind

This month was supposed to be my pre-marathon-training-plan build up. But the big freeze, commuting, work and two 5000-word assignments put paid to that.  I've spent most of January sitting: at my computer...behind the wheel of my car...snuggled up by the fire...

A while back, I posted about sedentary behaviour being a risk factor for heart disease, even if you achieve your 30 minutes plus of physical activity a day.  Well, based on January's efforts, I'm not doing my own health any good at all.  Not to mention my previously toned derriere!

Many of us think we're doing ourselves a favour by sweating it out at the gym for an hour a few times a week.  We don't often think about what we're doing during all the other hours.  Of course, running, cycling and weights all have amazing benefits, but what about doing ordinary things the active way?

Luckily I still have 16 weeks to train for the Edinburgh Marathon, and February is a new month.  But, before I get stuck into my formal training plan, I'm going to make the effort just to move around a bit more.  Starting this afternoon, with some vaccuuming lunges, stair step ups (clearing out the spare room) and maybe a few swiss ball crunches in front of the TV!

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